Fear is an incredible emotion! Fear will often trump hunger. It has the power to keep a slave from seeking freedom. As I watched the comments from anti-Obama West Virginians it dawned on me that Obama's candidacy for the democratic nomination threatens much more than we can imagine. It threatens the concept of white supremacy; and as my brother Christopher Moye stated in a recent email to me, it brings up the subconscious fear that America's dominance in the world is quickly coming to an end. This fear is real; most of the hard working white people in rural America that Hillary counts as her core constituency has never had to deal with the cultural the ideas of other races and nationalities. These people have always been on the outside and seen as inferior to America and especially to white America. Is Chris stated; the bottom line is the largest publicly traded company in the world is in Beijing, and the largest investment fund is in Abu Dhabi. We all know how the dollar holds up against the Euro. These details are probably consciously unknown to most heartland patriots but subconsciously, maybe even spiritually, they are sensing change, and that change for the most part doesn't include them. Maybe that's what they feel about the change that Obama represents? Maybe subconsciously, this man of multi-ethnic, multi-national background represents a different paradigm of what an American that wants to compete in a newly accessible global economy needs to be. Maybe, he threatens the old American, bend to our culture and you don't matter attitude towards the world that we American's used to get away with.
I found this image of this black man in Kentucky obviously upset with Obama; and it dawned on me that there must be a segment of the Black community that is also fearful. Fearful that the Obama family represent a change that they are not ready for. Maybe this image creates an intra-racial xenophobia that we as the educated leisure class can not understand.
you mean to say...that image is not a joke?
You know what that's just wrong, them saying that Hillary only connects with white, uneducated voters. Look at the brother's sign! Does that look like an educated voter to you!?;)
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