I am passionate about people; I have come to realize that it is a attribute of mine that is both a strength and a weakness. As I learn more about the nature of life and spirit and the mysteries of myself I realize that the people in your life that are closest are your greatest teachers about SELF. You learn who you are in the way you respond to and interact with those close to you. Many Buddhist traditions teach that the people in this lifetime that are you are drawn to most whether they are friends or family have often reappeared from past lifetimes. A sibling could have been a lover or even an enemy or a best friend a sibling in a past life. The point is that certain energies attract one another and we interact in this life, in my belief mainly to evolve the soul. So even though I have had many rough times with my friends and even some family members; I must say that for the most part, if I have attracted you to my life then you are for me in some way. You could be in many moments a vehicle for me to suffer enough to learn to make a change in myself and who I desire to be around. You may reveal in me an understanding of my own selfishness, or my own beauty. Either way, I appreciate and love you all.
After a meditation the other day I had this overwhelming feeling of love in my whole body. Love for my life and the experience that I have had so far being me. Love for the people in my life that I have been so lucky to be on this journey with. I walked out of my house soon after my meditation and ran into some friends of mine that I haven't seen in long time and they were carrying there new born son. Big up to Pierre and Jamyla Bennu (www.exittheapple.com) and there beautiful son Osse (I hope I spelled that right.) I want to take this time to acknowledge all of people who are close to me. I love you all!!
That was a refreshing reflection. I feel lifted. Thanks!
I'd love for you to make it to the opening of my photograhy exhibiton, Kindred Cool, opening August 3 at MoCADA.
Please visit http://www.KindredCool.org for more info.
I would love to make it; please remind me. I have the memory of a fruit fly.
Okay! Here's your reminder - this Sunday, August 3 at 3pm.
directions and RSVP here - www.KindredCool.org
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