So all of the hype this week and last has been about the arrival of My Space's new Music store. There has been debate after debate conjecturing over My Space's model and whether or not they will include independent artists. First of all, iTunes still does 90% of the legal digital download business, why the iPod and it's Apple. Granted the Amazon digital music store is doing well, but amazon is a retail destination that sells many products; it's kind of the digital version of Wallmart without food, so buying MP3's from them is logical. People are used to doing business with Amazon. My Space is social network that has never been a retail destination and doesn't have a Zune like answer to the iPod. Infact My Space is chasing Facebook as a social network and is associated with 30 something year old cornballs. I can't remember the last time I checked my MySpace account but I use Facebook everyday, it's a better tool. In my opinion this move is too late, they could have competed 3 years ago when they were at the top of the digital food chain. So why do we need another digital music store, all of the same labels have their music up on Amazon and eMusic DRM free. People aren't going to start using their credit cards with a service they have habitually used for free for the last 5 years. I don't see the point or buy the hype.
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