This past Sunday was a wild day; it started by photographer friend of mine from Montreal calling me and saying that he was going to drive to the city because he wanted to meet with me. Now that's a 6 hour drive. I told him that I was considering using him as a part of the event series that I am curating in Amsterdam. I wanted to let me know that he was serious about working with me so he drove all the way to NY, met with me for a couple of hours and then drove back the following morning. Big props to Neil Mota; www.neilmota.com that's the kind of person that inspires me to work with them.
While I was meeting with Neil, I get a call from my boy Dan; asking me what I was doing. I told him that I was in the West Village in a meeting. Dan says "I'm on my way to the studio to meet up with DJ Quick and Rakim, do you want to come?" "Hell yeah, where and when, I replied." So after my meeting with Neil, he and I walk up to 17th and 10th to meet with Dan. Neil and I part ways and Dan and I head to the studio; a long walk to 50th street and 10th Avenue, on the way there we see this sign in a store window made out of flouresant lights that said CHANGE, I thought that was cool. We get to the studio and we hear this bananas beat that Quick was working on, I was in heaven. Unfortunately, I waited for hours to meet Rakim, but I was exhausted and left before he showed. Anyway, it was cool to kick it with DJ Quick and his folks from La La...and so the day went. On the way out Dan asked me to manage him; he wrote an amazing script about his amazing life and has been shopping it in LA, I've never worked with a writer, so I need to think about that. Oh, we also stopped by Billy's bakery on 21st and 9th Avenue on the way up; craziest cakes in town, trust me!!
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