Friday, September 26, 2008

The Moment!

As I was walking home today from my morning swim I realized once again that all I have in this life is the moment. Who I am and how I view myself can often be swayed by those moments. My circumstances in life change rather quickly it seems; one day I am in the studio in Atlanta and soon after I am in Amsterdam. Sometimes like right now I am in a space where my life slows down and I have the opportunity to really ponder myself. By self I mean the many thoughts that I have and choices that I have made. I also mean the continuum of self love and hate that I may travel through from moment to moment subconsciously. Now that may sound extreme, but I have realized in my own self study that the ego is in a constant battle with your higher purpose and it is within that battle where love and hate reside subconsciously in regards to self. I am learning this, however the subtleties are so intricate that it is hard to recognize which end of that continuum I am on in the moment. The realization often comes in a moment of reflection. It's a beautiful struggle. The more and more I understand that I am evolving the more I can accept myself right now and the more faith I have in a higher power. The design of life and consciousness is so interesting to me. Anyway, in this particular moment I am battling fear which at the end of the day is a lack of faith. So there it is, and here I am; taking it all in.

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